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Understanding JavaScript Promises

/ 4 min read

In JavaScript, the concept of thenables often arises when working with Promises. Promises inherit from the base class Thenable, meaning that Promises are a type of Thenable, but a Thenable is not necessarily a promise. To understand Promises, it’s important to understand what exactly thenables are and how they fit into the world of asynchronous programming.

What is a Thenable?

A thenable is an object or function that has a then method. This method works similarly to the then method in a JavaScript Promise. The term comes from the fact that such objects or functions can be “then-ed” — meaning they have a then method that allows you to handle resolved or rejected values.

To put it simply: a thenable is any object that implements a then method, regardless of whether it is a Promise. Thenables can be used in many of the same ways as promises because they provide the same basic interface.

Example of a Thenable

Here’s an example of a basic thenable object:

const thenable = {
then: function(resolve, reject) {
// Simulate asynchronous behavior
setTimeout(() => resolve("Thenable resolved"), 1000);

This object can be passed to anything expecting a Promise-like object, such as JavaScript’s native Promise.resolve(). The then method accepts two arguments: a resolve function and a reject function, which are used to indicate whether the asynchronous task was successful or not.

Promise.resolve(thenable).then(result => {
console.log(result); // Outputs "Thenable resolved" after 1 second

In this example, the then method of our thenable object behaves just like a Promise’s then method. After 1 second, it resolves with the string “Thenable resolved”, which is then logged to the console.

Promises vs Thenables

While all promises are thenables, not all thenables are promises. A promise is a specific implementation of the thenable pattern, with well-defined behavior for state transitions (pending, resolved, or rejected) and chaining. A thenable, on the other hand, can be any object that follows the then method pattern, but it might not strictly adhere to the full specification that promises follow.

Promises automatically handle state transitions and guarantee certain behaviors like:

  • Immutability of state: Once a promise is resolved or rejected, it stays in that state.
  • Error handling: Promises have well-defined mechanisms for handling rejection and errors.

Thenables, being less structured, might not follow these rules strictly. For instance, the then method of a thenable might be manually implemented in a way that doesn’t behave like a promise under certain conditions.

Why Use Thenables?

Thenables are useful because they allow objects to integrate into Promise-based workflows without being full-blown promises. Libraries or frameworks might expose thenables to allow interoperability with promises while maintaining flexibility. A common reason to use a thenable instead of a promise is to avoid the overhead of creating a full Promise object, especially if the object already has asynchronous logic and only needs to expose a then method.

For example, some libraries like jQuery used to provide thenable-like structures (e.g., $.ajax() returned a Deferred object with a then method) before native promises became widely used.

Implementing a Custom Thenable

Let’s take a look at how you might implement your own thenable:

class CustomThenable {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
then(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.value) {
} else {
reject("No value provided");
}, 1000);
const myThenable = new CustomThenable("Hello, Thenable!");
Promise.resolve(myThenable).then(result => {
console.log(result); // Outputs "Hello, Thenable!" after 1 second
}).catch(error => {

In this example, we create a class CustomThenable that implements the then method. Depending on whether the value property is set, it will resolve or reject after 1 second.

Using Thenables with Native JavaScript Promises

JavaScript promises are designed to interoperate with any thenable. If you pass a thenable object to Promise.resolve(), it will behave as if you passed a real promise:

const thenable = {
then: function(resolve, reject) {
resolve("Thenable worked!");
Promise.resolve(thenable).then(result => {
console.log(result); // Outputs "Thenable worked!"

In this case, Promise.resolve() checks if the object has a then method. If it does, the promise will wait for the thenable to resolve or reject. This makes thenables an excellent mechanism for working with both promise-based APIs and older, non-promise-based libraries.


Thenables are an important concept in JavaScript because they allow any object with a then method to participate in promise chains. While promises are more robust and offer guarantees about state transitions and error handling, thenables offer flexibility and can be useful for integrating older code or custom asynchronous behavior with modern promise-based workflows.

Understanding thenables helps demystify the behavior of JavaScript promises and allows developers to create objects that can work seamlessly with promise chains without necessarily adhering to the full promise specification.

NEXT Understanding JavaScript Promises and Lazy Loading Callbacks