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Installing Kodi Plugins

/ 2 min read

Kodi is an application primarily for streaming of video online. It can also stream audio, run video game emulators and other things, but most people use it to stream video. If you search online, you’ll find a plethora of longwinded step-by-step guides to install each plugin. Some of them like Seren have additional steps, but for the most part, plugin installation follows this basic pattern.

  1. add a source
  2. install a repository from a zip file located at the source configured in step 1.
  3. install the plugin from the repository you installed in step 2.
  4. configure a premium CDN service like

The landscape of Kodi plugins is constantly changing, so you’ll want to keep up with which ones are working and which ones have fallen out of popular use.

You can follow these reddit subs to stay in the know

We’ll install a popular plugin for streaming TV and movies called The Crew

  1. open kodi

  2. click the setting gear icon

  3. click on “file manager”

  4. click on “Add Source”

  5. click on the <None> entry, a box will appear where you can enter the repository url:

  6. hit “ok” then under name enter whatever you like, in this case “the crew” makes sense

  7. go back

  8. click “Add Ons”

  9. click “install from zip file”

  10. select the repository you configured in steps 5 and 6 I entered “the crew”

  11. click on the zip file

  12. a notification will appear once it’s installed

  13. click install from repository

  14. THE CREW REPO will be in the list, click on it

  15. click “video add-ons"

  16. "THE CREW” will be in the list, click on it.

  17. Click install

  18. wait

  19. return to the homescreen where you’ll find the plugin installed.

If you followed the steps, you’ll see a pattern here. Just as I explained in the beginning of the article.

  1. add a source
  2. install a repository from a zip file located at the source configured in step 1.
  3. install the plugin from the repository you installed in step 2.

This is general process for the installation of kodi plugins, now all you really need to know is the repository url, and the specifics of the plugin you’re using.

Hopefully this simplified things for you.